Learning AppleScript Studio

I yearn for the old days of HyperCard, which I started learning back in the glory days of the late 1980s. I’m trying to learn how to use the monster currently maintained by Apple that is AppleScript Studio. It is the flawed scripting language AppleScript, which has some similarities with the scripting language of HyperCard, in the programming environment of XCode. It feels like a marriage between a Nuclear Power-plant and a water wheel that’s missing some of its blades.

I am, however, going through one of my 3-month programming cravings, so I have decided to play with AppleScript Studio and see if I can make an upgrade for one of my favorite old applications (more on that if I ever make any progress). I made a little weblog to chronicle my efforts and leave some tips behind for other beginners who might happen upon it later:

Fool’s Applescript Workshop