Where am I?

Some of my friends complain that my wordy weblog isn’t particularly useful to read when trying to find out what I’m doing or to figure out quickly where exactly I am in the world (I’m in Taiwan this weekend, back in Seoul next Tuesday). While for longer stays I update my address on the contact page, I have created a special page here on this weblog which keeps a running tab (including shorter trips) on exactly where I happen to be at this time:

Where am I?

This link will also be accessible from the list of links on the right of this blog.

4 thoughts on “Where am I?”

  1. Doh! Ya, I am going to have to get some kind of GPS device…perhaps when I have a bit more money to spend…

    Hope to see you in NYC!

  2. You could start an online Geography game, leave us daily little clues, like the children’s program you used to watch when we lived in Aberdeen – what was it called again; “where in the world is Carmen someone-or-other”?


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