Korean on a Macintosh

I made a little How-to website for people wanting to input Korean on a Macintosh (OS X). I was motivated to create this after our Korean teacher gave us a handout on how to add support for Korean input on Windows XP and I noticed a few mac users in my class feeling left out.

Korean on a Macintosh – Adding Korean input support, tips on input, and how to add hanja.

2 thoughts on “Korean on a Macintosh”

  1. Hey, while we’re speaking of input systems for east asian languages — how do I get OS X to recognise when I want to input an obsolete kana character like “wi”? If I type just “wi”, it gives me うぃ, which is maybe more likely to be what I want these days, but not all the time..

    I assume there’s a trick to it like getting the little “a” by typing “xa”, but I don’t know what it is, and I’m tired of cutting and pasting from wikipedia’s complete list of kana.

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