Travel Plans

I leave for a few days visiting Sayaka in Taipei tomorrow but I’ll be back in Tokyo on the first of March. I’ll be in Taiwan again for research from the 18th until the 28th of March. I’m moving out of my “lucky house” tomorrow and will be staying with friends for most of the time until August. My life will be a two-backpack vagabond existence for half a year but I look forward to it. It has a cleansing effect on me, scraping off just a few of the materialistic shards you collect with an apartment full of junk. Lars is moving into lucky house and I only hope he will get as much good fortune as I have had in the past year. I should be back in Stavanger, Norway for a month from mid-May until mid-June (my best friend Glenn is getting married!). During this time I’ll make a short trip to New York for a few days at the end of May for a conference on Chinese language education where I’m giving a workshop on OWLS. I might also be in Beijing helping present on the same software in July but I don’t know the details yet. I am rewriting OWLS from scratch so that will be my major tech-related project for the Spring.

One thought on “Travel Plans”

  1. I’m glad you enjoy it. I get really nervy if I haven’t got anywhere to stay.

    Thanks for all your supportive comments.

    Tell Sayaka that I dreamt about her last night. She was in my room saying ‘There’s not enough security. It has to be 23 inches higher.’

    That’s the first time I’ve ever dreamt about anyone on the blogosphere.

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