AOL Presidential Match Guide

Well, after Tuesday, I guess I will sort of know if I have to eat my words in my recent posting announcing not only my support for Dean but confidence in his coming victory.

While reading Cliopatria today I came across a great link to a Presidential Match website. It was better than other attempts I have seen at this and I went through the whole test. The results were amusing. According to my views on various issues, and my ranking of their importance, all the democrat candidates scored between 71-100%. Bush scored 6%, presumably because I share some of his views on economics and trade. In descending order, the quiz recommended I vote for: Kucinich (100%), Sharpton (95%), Kerry (91%), Clark (85%), Dean (83%), Edwards (78%), and Lieberman (71%). The site also allows you to compare candidates on the issues, side by side (for example Dean, Clark, Edwards, and Kucinich). It would of course be nice, though unreasonable to expect, columns for intelligence, knowledge, wit, tact, charisma, and “snowball’s chance in hell of getting elected”. These categories might help knock a few points off of Bush’s 6% and the last of these, chip away at Kucinich’s 100%.