Echo Chamber

Sometimes Sayaka pats my head and in a patronizing voice says,「いい子いい子」Sometimes I pat her head and tell her she is an「いい子いい子」Today I tried to explain to her that what we essentially have going on here is an echo chamber (in which we each congratulate the other for being a “good little boy/girl”). She said, “No, we have an いい子 chamber.”

4 thoughts on “Echo Chamber”

  1. This one was for Japanese speakers, but the (bad) joke of this little anecdote lies in the fact that “good little boy/girl” is pronounced, “eee-kow”

  2. My wife just groans when I make puns like this. I don’t think she’s ever laughed at a joke of mine. Sometimes she’ll say “That was a good try!” And pat me on the head like I was a dog that just did a trick or something. Oh well.

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