Chen Shuibian and VP shot

Wow, my first full day in Taiwan and the President and VP have been shot (with one bullet?). They are in the hospital but not in critical condition. The election goes ahead tomorrow.

UPDATE: This happened about 13:45 this afternoon and special editions of the newspapers, evening papers and TV have been saying all sorts of contradictory things throughout the day. The presidential election, which was one of things I was looking forward to observing, will continue tomorrow as the VP and President seem to be fine but both sides have temporarily stopped campaign activities. Some articles on this in the Western media: CNN, New York Times, and BBC. UPDATE: Here is a Taipei Times (pro-DPP/president newspaper) article on the wound itself, including gory shot of his belly-button, wound. The military has been put on alert after the assasination attempt. Cries of a pro-DPP conspiracy abound (in other words, wounding their own candidate to get a few percent extra sympathy vote) amongst KMT supporters especially.

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