I hopped on my bicycle and left Saturday afternoon to go on another elaborate reading/biking adventure. I decided to go to Kvitsøy which is a small island full of historical relics which is accessible by ferry about 30 minutes bike ride from my home. My uncle Thomas’ last question to me as I left the house, “Shouldn’t you check the ferry schedule?” I simply replied, “No problem, I’m going to read and if I’m early, I will just read outside in this beautiful weather.”
I didn’t know the ferry was not going to get there for 3 hours. I did get some good reading done and the weather was beautiful but I ended up falling asleep. In my somniferous state I did notice a few people and cars pass me but when I actually woke up, the ferry had left some 10 minutes before. I was not about to wait for the next one. I decided to make the best of the remainder of my afternoon and catch the bus to Rennesøy, another very scenic island, just north of Mosterøy, which is the subject of a previous entry. The bus passes nearby the ferry to Kvitsøy so things worked out alright.
When I got to Rennesøy, I decided to enjoy a few hours scenic riding around the Eastern half of the island, then finish off by going over the top of the eastern hilltop where there is a little nature reserve on top, before catching the bus home. Half way around the coast, however, my back wheel got a puncture and I had to walk my way back to one of the two small villages on the island from which I could take a bus home. I have been borrowing a very old but nice quality bike from my friend Glenn and already replaced a dangerously bulging old front tire after my trip to Mosterøy, before it could finally give way. I was warned by the store clerk that the back tire looked bad too but I told him I thought it would hold out for my last week here in Stavanger. No such luck so I will have to replace the back tire as well, as its dangerously worn state probably led to my puncture.