
I completed my PhD in 2012 and took up a position as Lecturer at the University of St Andrews in 2013. I am currently completing a manuscript based on my doctoral work:

Wartime Atrocities and the Politics of Treason in the Ruins of the Japanese Empire, 1937-1953

Advisor: Andrew Gordon
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Publications and Presentations

For talks and publications after 2013, please see my info on the St Andrews Research Portal

2013.11.19 Open Access and MOOCs

Presentation delivered for “Max Weber Programme 8th Academic Careers Observatory Conference” at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. Read More

2013.6.29 Treason, Torture, and Other Troubles: U.S Police Reforms in the Aftermath of Japanese Empire

Presentation and paper for conference “The State, Violence and the Rule of Law in Korean-Japanese History” at Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands. Read More

2013.3.23 Inheriting Treason: ‘Merging with the Enemy and Puppets’ in Shandong, China 1945-1948

Presentation delivered at the Association of Asian Studies annual meeting in San Diego, CA.

2013.1.25 Martyrs and Murderers: The Korean Police Prepare for War, 1946-1950

Talk given for the SOAS University of London Centre of Korean Studies seminar.

2012.3.16 Give us Work and Retribution: The Mass Politics of Treason in Qingdao, Seoul and Manila 1945-1949

Presentation delivered at the Association for Asian Studies annual meeting in Toronto, Canada.

2011.6.18 Packages in Hard Times: ‘Amerikapakker’ and Remittances in a Shoebox of Norwegian Letters, 1945-1948

Presentation delivered at the Norwegian American Historical Association Norway 2011 conference at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. Presentation As Delivered: PDF. Presentation Slides: Keynote / PDF. Source Archive: A Shoebox of Norwegian Letters.

2011.4.1 Utopians in Defeat: Ishiwara Kanji, Yan Xishan, and a World United

Presentation delivered at the 2011 Association for Asian Studies annual conference for the panel “Interrogating Ideology and National Identity in Colonial, Wartime and Postwar East Asia.”

2011.1.8 A Tea Party for Hitler: Raja Mahendra Pratap’s Confessed Opportunism

Delivered at the American Historical Association annual meeting, Boston for the “Illiberal Modernism 1900–50: A Global Moment?” Presentation As Delivered: PDF.

2010.11.6 The ‘Democratic Police’ under US Military Occupation: Torture and Reform in Japan and Korea, 1945-54

Delivered at the New England Conference of the Association for Asian Studies at the University of Vermont. Presentation As Delivered: PDF.

2010.6.14 Jobs for Traitors: Debates over Retaining Police Tainted with Collaboration in Shandong, China and Southern Korea, 1945-1948

Delivered at the 2010 Flying University of Transnational Humanities, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea. Based on my archival research in Shandong and Korea. Talk delivered from notes, no full text.

2010.5.11 Will East Asian Community create a utopia? International Herald Tribune / The Asahi Shimbun

Translation of below 東アジア共同体はユートピアに終わる?「友愛」の歴史的考察 printed for Asahi’s selection of articles in its English language collaboration with the IHT.

2010.4.16 東アジア共同体はユートピアに終わる?「友愛」の歴史的考察 Asahi Globe

Commissioned article commenting on Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama’s idea of an “East Asian Community” from a historical perspective with reference to the ideas of Richard Nicolas Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972) and Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh (1886-1979). Online version (Posted 2010.4.28)

2010.2.5 Pan-Asianism or World Federalism? Raja Mahendra Pratap and the Japanese Empire, 1925-1945

Delivered at Columbia University 2010 East Asia Graduate Student Conference. Presentation As Delivered: PDF Presentation Slides: PDF

2008.4.6 The ‘Pro-Japanese’ Police in Early Post-Liberation South Korea 1945-1950”

Delivered at the 2009 Fulbright Korea Conference, Jeju, South Korea. Presentation As Delivered: PDF Handout: PDF Presentation Slides: Keynote

2008.2.29 Dealing with Treason: Retribution against Collaborators in Korea from a Comparative Perspective, 1945-1951

Lecture delivered for the Fulbright Forum. Fulbright Building, Seoul, South Korea. Lecture As Delivered: PDF Handout: PDF Lecture Slides: Keynote

2006.4.1 The Persistence of Transnational Idealism in Early Postwar Japan, 1945-1949

Delivered at “Political Trauma and Restoration: An Interdisciplinary Conference” University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI. Presentation As Delivered: PDF Paper in Progress: PDF Presentation Slides: Keynote